近年來,動態競爭已成為策略分析領域中很重要的議題,因此,本研究透過動態競爭理論AMC觀點 (察覺、動機與能力),以「行動層次」為研究主軸,將競爭行動區分為「戰術性」以及「策略性」兩類,探討不同特質競爭行動之行動積極性是否皆與績效呈現正相關。並進一步導入市場導向程度,探討其是否會影響行動特質與績效間的關係。
本研究以台灣汽車產業 (43家有在台販售之汽車品牌) 為研究樣本,蒐集2011年至2015年共計5年台灣汽車產業間的競爭對抗新聞,並進一步歸類出24項台灣汽車產業競爭行動種類。此外,本研究透過問券發放予台灣汽車產業之經理人填寫,區分競爭行動之種類以及計算每一行動之市場導向程度。
過去研究多認為廠商之行動積極性與績效呈正相關,然而,較少探討市場導向對扮演之調節效果。因此,本研究進一步針對不同特質之競爭性行動,探討市場導向程度是否會強化或弱化焦點廠商行動數目與績效間關係。實證結果發現:(1) 焦點廠商戰術性行動對其績效具正向影響;(2) 焦點廠商策略性行動對績效具正向影響;(3) 市場導向程度會弱化戰術性行動與績效間的正向關係。
In the past ten years, the dynamic competitive theory has become a great part of strategy area. Therefore, my research`s main subject is using the point of awareness, motivation and capability which belong to dynamic competitive theory and focus on the action level. The research has distinguished competitive action for two type, “tactical action” and “strategic action”, and study the difference of action initiative whether have a positive correlation effect between performance and competitive action type, and add market orientation as the factor which will effect it or not.
First, The research pick the auto industry of Taiwan as the object of study and collected competitive news which belong to Taiwan`s auto industry during 2011 to 2015 and point out 24 different type of competitive action. Second, send questionnaire to people who work with auto industry in Taiwan to measure the degree of competitive action and market orientation.
In the past studies, scholars always consider there has positive correlation between action initiative and performance and less discuss the negative correlation between market orientation and performance. So my research study when market orientation against different type of competitive action will cause more competitive action or less then effect performance. As result, (1) there has positive correlation between “tactical action and performance”. (2) there has positive correlation between “strategic action and performance”. (3) market orientation have negative correlation between “tactical action and performance”.