摘要: | 在這科技快速發展的社會中,根據交通部統計查詢網統計,105年每一百個國人平均擁有33.2小客車,小客車在國人的交通生活中佔了很高的比例,而造成的交通意外事故的機會相對往上攀升,民國105年1月至7月更是提升到168,339件道路交通事故,更造成221,156人的死傷。在個人交通工具越來越多的情形下,交通安全的威脅機會上升,近年來台灣國人家庭多數擁有自家所使用的自小客車,與近年來一直被專注的議題—酒駕以及疲勞駕駛、未注意前車狀態與未保持安全距離所造成的傷亡及危害,本研究將運用現有科技與設備,避免駕駛酒後駕車的機會,提升駕駛在行車的安全性。
Due to the rapid growth of motor vehicles, the traffic volume of roads increases greatly, and various traffic problems occurred.
This research aims to enhance driving safety by understanding and alert drivers’ physical and mental conditions. In Taiwan’s family, we have our own car or motorcycle as a means of transport no matter for work or travel, and it causes many accidents happen every day. According to Government report and related research, traffic incidents are usually caused by three reasons: drunk driving, negligent driving, and fatigued driving. Therefore, this research designs and implements a system, which is composed of Arduino related Internet of Things technologies and a mobile application. When a driver is drunk driving, the system receives alert at alcohol concentration excessive. For the negligent situation, keeping a proper distance between cars is alerted. In order to be alert of the driver fatigue in advance, the system tracks the driving heartbeat and pulse. We also alert drivers when they pass the high-frequent traffic incident area. Based on open data and LBS, drivers can pay more attention when driving.
Finally, in order to understand the feedback from drivers, in-depth interview with laddering methodology is used during the pilot test. Positive feedbacks are given by most interviewees. Therefore, it is believed that IoT sensors are accepted by drivers in detect the value of their own physiological data. Though some sensor and the wire will make them feel uncomfortable and stressful, driver have more expectations in future technologies for making it better. Not only determine the sensor will be user-friendly, but also recommend more function to protect themselves and all drivers for the driving safety. |