As the rapid and explosive development of ICT(information communication technology) and digital content, people who live in such information society must learn to absorb a vast amount of messages with a more efficient and intuitive way. As a result, new design skills like information visualization has emerged to improve audience knowledge digestion. To create a successful of information visualization work, representing complicated or abstract data through graphical language is not the only critical technique. The aids that provided by the explanatory text within an infographic work is also considerable. Therefore, this study investigates the audiences information capture performance under different coherence relation between the graphic and text. Two between-subjects experiments were conducted in the study. Experiment one adopted graphics-text redundancy and readers’ cognitive style as two independent factors, and measured the participants’ viewing procedure by an eye tracker and also examined their reading comprehension with the test. Experiment two used three different types of information visualization works as stimuli, geographical, numerical, and explanatory, and create two versions of graphic-text redundancy. The participants’ cognitive styles were also determined by a standard test. The results of experiment one indicate that the condition of graphics-text redundant produced better information capture performance, while the cognitive style and graphic-text redundancy did interactively affect the eye movements during the middle period within a whole reading process. The results of experiment two showed that the different types of infographic work significantly affect information capture performance. In addition, comprehending the geographical and explanatory types of works is heavily rely on viewing the graphics, while the readers’ attention distribution in reading numerical and explanatory types of works was largely affected by the graphic-text redundancy. In general, this study reveals that the comprehending process and information capture performance in reading various types and graphic-text forms of information visualization works. The finding in the study provides some useful knowledge for related designers, especially when they facing the design choice of whether applying the graphic-text redundant design in creating infographic works.