本研究以Ajzen (1985)計畫行為理論(The Theory of Planned Behavior)為架構,整合大學生購買化妝品相關之研究,建構「大學生購買韓國化妝品行為意圖模式」,並探討影響大學生購買韓
國化妝品行為的因素。本研究利用結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling)對所提出之模式,進行適合度之考驗與分析。以玄奘大學學生為研究對象,使用自編「大學生購買韓國化妝品行為調查量表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。共計回收160份有效問卷,所得結果歸納如下:
一、 研究者提出之模式應用在大學生參購買韓國化妝品行為意圖時,整體適配度良好(χ²/df = 2.476; CFI = 0.902;SRMR
= 0.041; RMSEA= 0.096)。
二、 大學生購買韓國化妝品的「態度」﹙β= 0.37﹚、「主觀規範」﹙β= 0.11﹚與「知覺行為控制」﹙β=0.80﹚對「行為意圖」具有顯著正面影響,且解釋變異量達79%。亦即態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制越正向,購買韓國化妝品的行為意圖也越強。
The structure of this study was based on The Theory of Planned Behavior which developed by Ajzen (1985), integrated with game attendance motives incorporates a wide variety of important factors from previous related researches on sports spectating, to investigate the influence of university students’ purchase behavior of Korean cosmet-ics.
The Scale of University Students’ Purchase Behavior of Korean cosmetics was used for this study among students of Hsuan Chuang University, total 160 valid ques-tionnaires were obtained and concluded by following:
1. The overall adaptation while applying SEM pattern on university students’ purchase behavior of Korean cosmetics.
2. There were a significant relationship between behavior intension and attitude (β=0.37), subjective standard (β=0.11), and perceived motion control (β=0.80).
3. The result of this study revealed that retail sellers could use multiple marketing com-bination to stimulate the intension of purchase and also increase university students’ satisfaction.