文獻上甚少提及對單一國家之海外直接投資 (Outward Foreign Direct Investments,簡稱 OFDI) 對母國產業出口競爭力的影響。有關這方面認知有限的原因,是因多數國家對單一國家之 OFDI比重並未偏高到會對母國出口競爭力造成衝擊。中國大陸為台商海外 OFDI昀多的國家,台灣昀具競爭力之 IT產業赴大陸投資,係採委託代工製造 (Original Equipment Manufacturing,簡稱 OEM) 策略,並以日本市場為主要外銷地區之一,因而引發台商於大陸大量生產與外銷的產品是否會直接替代台灣對日本出口之疑慮。本文採用複迴歸模型,解析 1993-2009年之台商 IT產業大陸累計 OFDI比重對台灣 IT產品於日本市占率的影響。研究結果發現:(一) 台商電子零組件製造業在大陸累計 OFDI比重與台灣電子零組件產品在日本市場占有率呈正向;與台灣電腦、電子產品及光學製品在日本市場占有率呈負向;與台灣電力設備產品在日本市場占有率呈負向。(二) 台商電腦、電子產品及光學製品製造業在大陸累計 OFDI比重與台灣電腦、電子產品及光學製品在日本市場占有率成正向;與台灣電子零組件產品在日本市場占有率成正向;與台灣電力設備產品在日本市場占有率呈負向。(三)台商電力設備製造業在大陸累計 OFDI比重對台灣電力設備產品、台灣電子零組件產品、台灣電腦、電子產品及光學製品在日本市場占有率的影響均不顯著。
The effect of OFDI on the export competitiveness of a country has been so far rarely explored. One of the reasons for a lack of such research may be that none in the rest of the world like the Taiwanese firms that have directed most of their OFDI to China due to the fact that China is a huge potential market and the people across the Straits share the same culture. Quality management and replication ability of the IT products and materials in China have been consistently improving. Japan, the second largest economy in Asia, is still the main export market for both China and Taiwan. Therefore, the market share of the IT products and materials in Japan is a great concern for Taiwan in the sense that the Taiwanese IT firms continue to invest in China. Utilizing the multiple regression analysis, this paper investigates the relationship between Taiwanese IT firms’ OFDI in China and the market share of the IT products and materials in Japan over the period of 1993~2009. The results show that Taiwan’s OFDI of Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing in China has a significantly positive impact on their own market share in Japan, while it has a significant negative impact on the market share of Computers and Optical Products Manufacturing as well as Electrical Equipment Manufacturing in Japan. Moreover, Taiwan’s OFDI of Computers and Optical Products Manufacturing in China has a significantly positive impact on the market share of Computers and Optical Products Manufacturing as well as Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing in Japan, while it has for-reaching negative impact on the market share of Electrical Equipment Manufacturing.