摘要: | 自中華民國105年起,大學新生入學人數銳減的情況下,臺灣教育部提出境外招生策略以彌補本地生的不足。在此情況下,各大專院校無不積極對外進行招生,但事實上各校對於外國學生輔導措施並不完善,以至於無法解決外國學生在校園生活中所遭遇的困難,此外,學校教職員在輔導外國學生上亦有難處。因此,本研究以中國文化大學為研究場域,對外國學生及教職員進行訪談與調查,以歸納出外國學生在校園中普遍的生活問題,以解決外國學生所需。
Since 2016 academic year, facing the drop in the admissions rate of college freshmen, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan has come up with a policy on recruitment of international students, so as to fill the enrollment slots from the local students. Under this circumstances, all universities has made every effort to recruit international students. However, the fact that the insufficient guidance counseling that universities provide for international students does not help with their problems with living on campus. Besides, the faculty and staff also find it difficulty giving guidance to international students.The background of this study includes interviews and investigations on international students, faculty and staff of Chinese Culture University, which concludes with a few common issues that most international students have on their campus life, in furtherance of the solutions for international students in need.
In this study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey are adopted as my research approaches. It reveals that the factors on maladjustment of international students are the language barriers (Chinese comprehension and writing, communication, listening, the pinyin system), academic challenges (course contents, group assignments, tests), and the poor administrative services along with complex regulations (course selections, graduation requirements).
In order to overcome the challenges of adjustment to school life for international students, this study has discovered the teaching materials which focus mainly on the problems according to the international students’ feedback, supplemented by the result from the questionnaires to faculty and staff. It includes four parts: Application for Admission, School Administration, Finance, and Life. They are described in 16 units. The teaching materials on the subject of “Graduation requirements (including the List of Required Courses)” and “Common Subjects and General Courses” are used as an example, looking ahead to solve the problems that international students have in life and in the administrative services.
Based on the result of the study, the following suggestions are provided:
1.In the Chinese course design, the preliminary courses in Chinese should be offered for international students before the official beginning of the semester. The course credits should be carried once the course is taken. It can help ease on adjusting of difficulties in campus life.
2.About peer tutoring and academic support, my suggestion is for those students who study in the program of Chinese language teaching at Chinese Culture University to accept international students as the objectives of your study, and to provide assistance in Chinese learning.
3.As for the teaching materials, aside from useful Chinese expressions on campus life, Chinese lessons concerning the student’s academics should also be imposed, in order to help with international students’ problems with their academic concentrations. |