本篇研究係以橫編針織機織造羅紋組織織入經緯紗織物,以改善羅紋織物因針圈 具有彈性造成孔洞過大而使用不便,乃織物穩定性不良的問題。使織物具有羅紋組織的外觀 ,具備針織結構與梭織結構,及多軸向分散應力的效果。藉由實驗中測得織物的密度、荷重 、伸長率、作功、應力,可作為日後取代他種材料的參考依據,使針織物的使用範圍更加寬廣。
The weft-knitting machine was used to weave-weft into the rib fabric and improve the inconvenience with the big hole caused by its own elastic loops. That was also able to strengthen the unstable structure. The fabric has both knit shape and the result of dispersing stress of mult-axes by weaving fabric. We find that we may replace other materials which need similar characters according to the testing result such as density, strength, elongation, energy and stress etc. And, the knitted fabric may be able to applied in other fields.