本研究係採用銅纖維為強化材,以熱可塑性樹脂尼龍6為基材,經由中空錠子精 紡機,紡製成複合紗後,再將所紡製的複合紗,以7G橫編機製織成羅紋與平紋針織物與手 織機編織成單層與多層梭織物,並施以熱壓成型為平板狀,並探討不同組織結構、織物密 度與疊層層數對電阻係數之影響,並藉由電阻係數,評估電磁波遮蔽效果。 由實驗結果得知,以複合紗織物所 製成的熱可塑性複合材料,其電阻係數隨織物組 織密度與疊層層數增加而有降低之趨勢。以梭織物補強複合材料的電磁波屏蔽效果,將因 織物密度與組織結構較針織物補強複合材料為優。且織物補強複合材料與針織物補強複合 材料之表面電阻係數範圍均在遮蔽材料的範圍。
The copper fiber is used as the reinforced fiber, and Nylon6 as the matrix fiber in this study. Firstly, we span the uncommingled yarn by Hollow- spindle spinner. We also used the 7G flat knitting machine to make the rib and plain knitted fabrics. We also used the hand loom to weave the single and several layers woven fabrics. Composites with different number of plies were fabricated using compression molding method. Their electrical properties were investigated by different fabric structure and density, then to discuss their electromagnetic shield properties. Experimental results indicate that high quality knitted and woven copper fabrics could be produced. The thermoplastic composite materials could be manufactured by the fabrics with uncommingled yarn, and used for electromagnetic shielding quality thermoplastic composites. The resistivity of the thermoplastic composite materials decreases with increasing the density and laminate layers of fabrics. The woven-fabric reinforced thermoplastic composite materials have the better electromagnetic shielding properties than the knitted-fabric reinforced composite materials.