本研究以儀控落重式衝擊試驗機,模擬子彈穿透防彈衣前幾層抗彈織物後,與後 面幾層問的阻抗作用及能量吸收與分散的情形,車削九零手槍彈型衝頭作為本實驗之衝頭, 並對各種不同角度的抗彈織物疊層排列去測試,尋找出較合理、較有效果的排列方式,實驗 結果顯示,彈形衝頭能有較好的能量成長區域,改變角度排列能有較好的效果,並以兩層為 一單位的疊層依不同角度去排列會有較佳的能量吸收,以兩層90度正向和兩層45度軸向疊 層有較佳的能量吸收。
The analysis of the impact behavior was based on the falling weight type machine. To simulate bullet behavior in the back the layers of armor. We replaced the head of the sensor in bullet shape and set the weaving fabrics into different layers by different axes. Trying to find out butter and effective permulation. Finally, we find that simulating bullet can get better energy area than the original way. The best result of stress absorbing is arranging two by two layers by 90 and 45 degree.