Nike在世界上的鞋子及休閒市場佔有舉足輕重的地位,尤其近年來超越對手Adidas大幅擴張,本研究透過美國專利商標局、歐洲專利局和Thomson Innovation資料庫,進行NIKE 2005年1月1日至2014年12月31日之專利與商標資料分析。商標方面,進行有效商標分析及重點商標之分析比對,特別注重於重點商標設計的改變。專利方面,進行NIKE技術及設計類別分析。
NIKE is the most famous leisure-related company in the world, well ahead the rival Adidas. This research analyzed the patent and trademark activities in the past ten years through USPTO, EPO and Thomson Innovation. This study concentrated on live and key trademarks analysis, especially in design code. Design patents were the key part of NIKE's IP strategy.