本研究計畫之目的,在透過朝鮮和越南《性理節要》的比較,探討兩國性理學架構之差異、成因、 及在東亞儒學視域中的意義。 明朝永樂十三年(1415),胡廣等人奉永樂帝之命修訂《五經大全》、《四書大全》、《性理大全》三 書,並於1419年頒朝鮮及越南後黎朝。《性理大全》共七十卷,內容集宋元性理學之大成,該書傳入 朝鮮和越南後,為兩國儒者廣為閱讀,成為當時形塑韓越兩國性理學思想的重要讀物。然而由於分量 龐大,朝鮮儒者金正國(1485〜1541)和越南儒者裴輝碧(1744-1818),皆按照自國的需求,對《性理大全》 內容作出刪節變動,形成了經典文本在異國的脈絡性轉換;1韓越兩國《性理節要》反映出對《大全》 原始文本的繼承與改變,成為具體探討朝鮮及越南性理學思想之重要文獻。 本研究計畫嘗試以「韓越比較」為研究方法,集中處理以下三個項目: (1)比較韓越兩國《性理節要》之性理學思想特徵:朝鮮的特徵在於對《大全》原始文本的「刪節」,而 越南的特徵在於「增加」。(2)探討韓越兩國《性理節要》編篡者思想之傳播範圍:在朝鮮是十六世紀前 半儒學學派分化前的士林派性,在越南是越儒黎貴惇•裴輝璧師生集團。(3)探討韓越兩國《性理節要》 刊行後之後續效應,及當時朝鮮及越南的儒林氛圍。 本研究計畫另一特點,是獲得收藏越南本《性理節要》之收藏家許先生同意,得以首次向學界公 開此獨家珍貴資料。 This research aims to explore the structural difference of Neo-Confucianism between Chosun and Vietnam and to explore the causes and the significance of the impact in East Asia through Korean and Vietnamese “Xing Li Jie Yao 性理節要,,. In Yongle Year 13 of Ming Dynasty (1415), Wu Jing Da Quan 五經大全,Si Shu Da Quan 四書大全 and Xing Li Da Quan 性理大全 were written and completed by the order of Emperor Yongle 永樂. The three Quans were bestowed to Le dynasty of Vietnam and Chosun and were circulating in the society of these two countries. There are seventy chapters in Xing Li Da Quan, a compilation of Xing Li Da Quan from Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. The book was widely popular among the literati in Chosun and Vietnam after its circulation and had become an important reading of Neo-Confucianism in both countries. Owing to its large volume, the Korean Confucian scholar Kim, Chung-Kook (金正國,1485-1541) and the Vietnamese Confucian scholar Bui Huy Bich(裴輝碧,1744-1818) had modified the content and deleted the chapters of Xing Li Da Quan based on the needs of their country, altering the context of the book. From the selected content, the ideological inheritance and the chances of Xing Li Da Quan in Korea and Vietnam could be observed, becoming a key literature for the specific exploration of Neo-Confucianism in Korea and Vietnam.