電視數位化的變革,加上政府積極的推動,使電視相關產業蓬勃發展,消費者對數位電視的需求與日俱增,也連帶台灣有線電視系統經營者(MSO;Multiple System Operators)以及電視產業業者競相投入,使數位影音內容、匯聚服務的豐富多元,龐大商機更是不容小覷。雖然電視數位化起步萌芽,已有部分「數位電視」議題的研究產生,但對於數位電視的消費以及使用意願相關研究,為數仍少。 本研究希望以此為題進行研究,經由文獻的彙整,以及專家學者與消費者訪談,探索台灣地區消費族群對於數位電視產業接受因素。
The digitization of television, this transition will propel the television industry to the next level by Government's policy. With such a high cable TV penetration rate in Taiwan, audiences requirement increasing more and more. Multiple System Operators are expanding and providing conversing Service of DSTB, the benefits brought by the DSTB should not be underestimated.
Even though, the initial stage of the digitization of television, some "Digital of Television" kind of research presentation. It's seldom to present the research of audiences consume and reuse intention. The subject in this research is to provide DSTB from literature review, consumer Interviews and expert interview, to exploring the factors affecting the adoption of conversing service of DSTB in Taiwan.
In the future, hope the subject in this research to provide the digital of Television kind of research presentation are reference basis for DSTB by Web-Mining Method. To realize what factors are consumer attention and reference basis for MSO and digital of Television industry.