由於2008年末的世界金融危機形成全球性恐慌,現存世界貨幣體系及國際基金組織普遍受到質疑,因此非一般性貨幣的概念應運而生。Satoshi Nakamoto(2009)提出了去中心化比特幣(BitCoin)的架構,並於網際網路上架設與發行。比特幣由於其去中心化、匿名等特性逐漸被民眾所接受使用,匯率一度達到1:1287美元匯率; 然而也由於比特幣失竊等安全性問題讓民眾對於比特幣失去信心,並且比特幣相關技術應用與交易模式仍有顯著的進步空間。
The worldwide financial crisis of 2008 had caused a global panic, and therefore the existing global monetary system and International Monetary Fund were thus questioned; hence, the idea of non-conventional currency emerged with the trend. Satoshi Nakamoto (2009) had brought up the structure of decentralized BitCoin which was then constructed and released on the internet. Due to its features of decentralization and anonymity, BitCoin was gradually accepted and used by the general public and its exchange rate to USD had once reached to 1:1287; nevertheless, people had lost their faith due to the security problem such as the theft of BitCoin, and simultaneously technologies, applications, and transaction model related to BitCoin apparently needed to be improved.
The researcher utilized the web-mining method to analyze users’ key factors affecting their adoption of BitCoin in order to form the key words of monetary trust and virtual currency by using data from literature and discussions of crucial virtual communities in stage 1. In stage 2, the researcher used the database of OpView (virtual communities’ word of mouth) to collect data and utilized the key words obtained from the analysis of stage 1 to conduct the data analysis of virtual communities in order to investigate the general public’s volume of internet posts and their positive/negative emotions on the internet and also investigate the feasibility of using BitCoin under the current circumstances.
Through the analysis of this study, the researcher found out that those users’ discussions mainly focused on monetary features and system and they generally didn’t have faith in the market. For other discussion dimensions, credit risk was an issue that received gradual attention; on the other hand, the adoption factor of technological applications of BitCoin was the most recognized one, and the security of exchange platform was also a discussion focus but they still didn’t trust it. The results of this study could offer suggestions for users to consider in using BitCoin and provide data analysis of virtual communities’ discussions since its release up to date.