摘要: | 憲法第16條明定:「人民有請願、訴願及訴訟之權」,係指人民基本權利遭受侵害時,享有依法定程序向法院提起訴訟請求救濟之權利,而法院有依法公平審判之義務。然此所稱之「人民」似不及於監獄行刑之受刑人,理由在於監獄行刑長久以來被歸類為「特別權力關係理論」之場域,並以該理論作為限制及剝奪受刑人訴訟權或其他權利之基礎,故當受刑人對監獄處遇或決定不服時,其救濟途徑,按現行之規範,除監獄行刑法第6條及其細則第5條規定提出申訴外,並無其他司法訴訟程序提起救濟可循。
Article 16 of the Constitution states that “the people shall have the right of presenting petitions, lodging complaints, or instituting legal proceedings,” which empowers the people to enjoy the right to bring up litigations for remedy in courts with due process when their rights were infringed, and the courts have the obligation to deliver judgments impartially in accordance with the law. Notwithstanding, the coverage of the word “people” prescribed in the above article seems not include those inmates serving their terms behind bars. The reason of this situation might be attributable to that, from time to time, prisons have been regarded as a situation regulated under the theory of “special relationship of authority,” which has also been applied as the basis to restrain and deprive the right of litigation or other rights. Therefore, when an inmate has opposition to accept prison rules, under current regulations, he/she could only appeal in accordance with Article 6 of the Prison Act and Article 5 of Enforcement Rules of the Prison Serving Act, and should not claim remedy via normal judicial procedures.
The theory of the special relationship of authority was originated since the middle ages in Europe, and designed for the relationship between the king and his counselors. After the end of Second World War, this theory was gradually reviewed and criticized by the jurists and in the judicial practice. This article first observes the trends of development of the theory of the special relationship of authority in Germany and Japan, and analyzes the opinions of Taiwan Judicial Yuan concerning the breakthrough of the theory of the special relationship of authority in recent years. Secondly, this article also aims to discover the core value of the Constitution regarding the protection over people’s right of litigation, and borrows some insights from the relevant international human rights conventions. The purpose is to reaffirm the legal status of the inmates serving their penalty rendered by the state, that the fundamental rights of the inmates are still under the protection of Constitution, and thus the theory of the special relationship of authority should no longer be applicable when interpreting the relationship between the inmates and the state. Therefore, the state could only restrict the fundamental rights of the inmates with Article 23 of the Constitution.
To understand the attitudes towards the legal status of inmates from the legal professionals in practice, this article firstly gathers the judgments concerning cases of prison serving in the recent 10 years, and analyzes whether the judicial opinion regarding the right of litigation of inmates has changed after the release of Judicial Interpretation No. 653. Moreover, this article further discusses the jurisdiction concerning cases of prison serving, and, among the criminal procedure, administrative litigation procedure or the special litigation procedure, which should those cases follow, so that the proper litigation proceeding may be established and carried out as to fulfill the principle of necessity in protecting rights.
Finally, this article believes that, regarding the remedy of inmates in cases concerning prison serving, the inmates should be permitted to adopt judicial remedy against all kinds of prison serving measures. In addition, considering the interest of economic litigation, if the litigation concerning prison serving would be carried out in administrative litigation procedure, it should be appropriate to classify different prison serving circumstances by how severe the right of the inmates was undermined and establish different litigation proceedings accordingly as to find the most suitable procedure applicable. The way of classification could refer from the reform of the remedy in traffic disposition cases. As the regulations of corrections are now under reform, this article provides the regulatory agency a quick view, promoting the completion of the Prison Act, with the hope that the reform could conform to the protection of the right of litigation under the Constitution.. |