供應鏈間的新競爭不是在於個別連結的效能,而是在於整體供應鏈的能力可以比其他供應鏈將更好的產品以更快的速度及更低廉的價格送進市場。因此隨著科技發展快步推進,顧客與供應商間的訊息交流透明化,企業執行供應鏈管理也受到了快速回應、協作規劃預測及補貨的發展帶動下,作為OEM/ ODM的供應商,透過協同合作的重要性,以減少低效率與降低資源浪費,並且讓彼此間得以永續經營的目標,形同一個團隊提升每各單位的競爭優勢,將其資源統一集中的發展與創新,使產品、服務、品質與資訊得以同步更新,凸顯出每各單位在其產業間的獨特性,共同創造一個互惠互補雙贏的附加價值。
根據資料分析結果顯示:1. 個案公司均認同,協同交貨有其必要性並能改善公司的運輸成本與存貨成本。2. 透過專案成立執行,協同交貨的建立及其步驟。3. 協同交貨會影響到企業的成本績效,如運輸成本在採用協同交貨後減少。
In the supply chain, the competition is no longer in between individual enterprises that are linked to performance, but also the overall capacity of the supply chain can be compared to other supply chain to provide the better and faster products and with cheaper price to the marketplace. So with the development of science and technology advancing quickly, the exchange of information between customers and suppliers is be-coming more transparent, as OEM/ ODM supplier, through collaboration, in order to reduce inefficiencies and resources wastage, and allow each other to work together to create the added value of mutual complementarity as win-win situation.
How to build a good management mechanism to achieve a stable level of internal processes, and achieved overall supply chain and customer trust, so that the company can maintain a stable level of quality and sustainable business. It’s the main purpose of this study was to investigate. This study will have three mainly purposes, as described as below:
1. To understand in the supply chain system, the possibility and necessity of the cooperative delivery.
2. To investigate the supply chain system, how to build a cooperative delivery system in the enterprise.
3. To explore the relevance of collaborative supply chain management perfor-mance and delivery.
In this study, based on three cases study for the company to take case studies and in-depth interview study in which case B and case C adoption of collaborative delivery management, administration procedures for the import of brief: 1. The industrial envi-ronment and trends and the company. 2. Strategies itself collaborative design manage-ment system architecture and system planning. 3. Import the IT system. 4. KPI man-agement.
Through these three cases studying, in this result we could find the necessity of the cooperative delivery and its relevance of collaborative supply chain management per-formance and delivery. Finishing can be learned through this study using collaborative supply chain can reduce the cost of delivery, can also improve customer satisfaction.