建物價值隨時間經過而降低,提列該折舊的方式,便宜行事下多採定額法,且規定一定數額之「殘價率」,此論點之適當性小則影響房屋稅捐多寡、大則影響民眾於都市更新中之權益。然過去相關研究中,有論證凸型折舊者、也有主張凹型折舊者。本文以高雄市透天住宅之建物價格為對象,參考修正Cannaday and Sunderman(1986)對屋齡與價格關係之衡量方式,證實建物折舊呈現凸型;進而以該型態設置迴歸模型,分析屋齡效果。研究結果顯示,各行政區之屋齡效果具顯著差異,剩餘價值普遍較殘餘價值高。以此推論,於房屋課稅或不動產估價師執行估價,採齊一式線型規範的方式,恐無法反應實際之剩餘價值,而可能損及民眾權益。
Building value decreases because of physical deterioration over time. The most popular method for estimation of depreciation is straight-line method. However, some empirical studies show it is concave, and some literatures illustrate convex depreciation. In this paper, we use real building price database from Kaohsiung City and use a log-linear model to test the path of depreciation. The result supports a convex path of building depreciation and residual value is higher than scrap value.We suggest that ”straight-line rate method” and ”sum of the year digits method” are better to apply on building depreciation in Kaohsiung City. Legally-specified rate should be amended.