Wildlife impacts on forest have been rarely reported. Forestry academics offer little research on biological interactions between animal damage and restored saplings. This research aims to assess the interaction between rodents and saplings in Hengchun coastal reforestation. Empirical evidence in this tropical region examines that rodents serve as a forest resource and a forest hazard with their seasonal activities. In 2008, a restoration project was initiated and built up a core forest in the southernmost tropical forest of Hengchun Peninsula. Beginning in May of 2012, eleven local tree species were selectively replanted in both interior and edge of the core forest. Seventeen months after, researchers observed serious adverse effects from rodents browsing on the newly-planted seedlings along the edge of the reforestation area. In contrast, little damage was found in the interior forest. This study further surveyed the percentage of damaged and re-sprouting seedlings in both interior and edge of the study site. The tree species, Eriobotrya deflexa, Planchonella obovata, Ficus septica, and Drypetes littoralis, were found lower survival rates along the forest edge and each of them had less than 20% survival rate by 2013. The high damage rates of rodents browsing along the edge were Eriobotrya deflexa and Planchonella obovata (83% and 79% respectively). The other 9 species were found less damaged by wildlife. In the forest edge, there are significant correlations between the death rate and circular skinning, as between the survival rate and re-sprouting capacity of trees. The results indicate that rodent pressure on seedlings leads to the failure of reforestation. In addition, the stress tolerance among various species of restored trees, along with the re-sprouting rate, affect saplings’ survival rate. Considering ecological recovery program in Taiwan, this study suggests further examination of resident herbivores and their effects upon seedling survival, as well as an evaluation of tree species stress tolerances that benefits reforestation success rates.