本研究應用多變值統計迴歸分析之原理,建立台灣南部山區山羌(Muntiacus reevesi)之棲地分佈模式。使用自動照相設備收集山羌的野外調查資料,並利用數值地形資料庫與土地利用圖,產生棲地變數,以多元迴歸分析建立研究區域之山羌棲地模式,並利用此一模式推估全區之山羌棲地分佈。以樣點所在位置之模式預測值檢測,可達84%之準確率。依此棲地模式推估所得之山羌棲地分佈圖顯示,在低海拔平緩坡地,山羌的族群密度相對較高,而在高海拔地區之平緩潮濕地區,則山羌也可達到一定之族群密度,此一結果與以往之觀察研究結果吻合。研究結果顯示,使用多變值統計迴歸分析結合地理資訊系統可以瞭解山羌對棲地之選擇,有效地建立山羌之棲地模式,並進而推估山羌之空間分佈。
The ability to model habitat use and change in distribution of habitat is of considerable importance in wildlife management. In this study, Muntjac abundance obtained from auto-triggered cameras and habitat variables, such as elevation, aspect, slope, whole light sky space (WLS), forest cover type, forest cover type diversity, distance to river' and distance to road, were used to explain habitat selection and to identify areas of high use potential of Muntjac in natural forest of southern Taiwan. The model 15 based on the multivariate regression statistic coupled with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to incorporate spatial correlation of wildlife-habitat relationship. Calculations were made with the GIS to generate spatial habitat variables and to produce a map containing habitat use potential that could not otherwise be independent by independent perusal of any single map layer. Confirmation of the accuracy of predictions of Muntjacs' habitat distribution was assessed with both survey data and exPert'5 evaluation. Results shown that this technique is a useful tool for habitat mapping on a landscape scale.