黃色百香果(Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg)實生苗在根部浸水4-6日後,地上部之生長即受到抑制,繼而會造成葉柄上偏生長(epinasty),葉片老化,落葉,莖基部腫大,鬆裂,生出點狀白色鬆軟組織,並長出不定根。
When potted passion fruit seedlings wore flooded to a level 3cm over the surface of the medium, their root growth was significantly inhibited. The growth rate of the roots began to slow down even when they were waterlogged for only 1 day. After being waterlogged for 8 days, moot of the laterial roots ceased to grow. After 20 days, the root system was totally destroyed and a new root system formed at the base of the stem to provide a shallow root aystem.
Waterlogging also retarded leaf extension and shoot growth, and caused leaf chlorosis, petiole epinasty, stem hypertrophy and the formation of adventitious roots.