After applying three kinds of liquid wax based antitranspirant and one surfactant upon Hai-li Tangor leaves, the results showed that Abion-207 achieved the best anti-transpirant rate. Except for the seedless Tankan leaves treated in September, all other seedless and Hai-li Tangor leaves and fruits applied with Abion-207 dilated 100 times with water had their transpirant rate significant reduced. In field experiment, the applications of Hai-li Tangor with Abion-207 liquid solvent all resulted in a lower transpirant rate of leaves, however, only those treated in October show a significant decrease. Because of the varying degree of environmental differences, the statistic analysis was based on the exchange of the relative percentage of each individual area into angles-degrees. The outcome shows that the treatment of wax spray can significantly reduce Hai-li Tangor's transpirant rate. After treatment, the fruits exhibited signs of higher acidity and while the juice and water content were significantly higher, the fruit-size is reduced.