摘要: | Due to a rapidly changing society, many critical family issues such as divorce, family violence, teenage pregnancy, child sexual abuse, and child care are emerging today. The call for effective teaching in family life is becoming more important to schools and society. The purpose of this study was to determine whether certain personal, professional, and situational characteristics explain the teachers' perceptions of effective teaching of secondary work and family teachers. The factors considered include personal and professional characteristics, subject matter taught, family strengths, work and family satisfaction, and teachers' perceptions of effective teaching. The design of this study was ex post facto/correlational. A random sample of 500 teachers was drawn from a population of 1267 secondary work and family teachers in Ohio. There was a 80.8% return rate of the survey questionnaire. The findings were as follows: the secondary work and family teachers taught in a variety of subject matter areas, and the majority of teachers taught what they prefer to teach. In general, teachers were generally satisfied with their work and family, had stronger/higher mean scores of family strengths, and perceived themselves as effective teachers. Family satisfaction, work satisfaction, education, race, current assignment , and current family strengths impact teachers' perceptions of effective teaching. Work satisfaction and family satisfaction were correlated. Teachers' work satisfaction was the best predictor of the teachers' perceptions of effective teaching followed by family satisfaction, education, race, and current assignment.
近年來美國地區由於社會的快速變遷,家庭功能與型態都受到空前的衝擊,許多 重大且影響深遠的家庭問題,諸如:離婚率的增加、家庭暴力、兒童、青少年身體虐待或性 虐待的增加、青少年未婚懷孕及犯罪的年齡層降低,單親家庭、繼親家庭,以及托兒需求的 增加等,都在現今的社會出現,在在的顯示了家庭功能的式微。中等學校家政教師在幫助學 生面對及調適各式的家庭壓力與危機時,扮演著相當重要的角色。本研究旨在檢視家政教師 之個人背景因素、家庭因素,與其他情況因素,對「家人關係/家庭生活教育」有效教學之 影響。本研究的樣本是隨機抽取美國地區500位俄亥州的家政教師。研究資料的收集自民國 83年3月7日-4月20日,有效問卷404份,回收率達80.8%。資料分析採描述性統計、因素分析 、相關分析,以及多元回歸分析等。研究結果顯示,中等學校家政教師教授許多不同領域之 課程,範圍相當廣泛,且大部份的老師教授他們所喜歡教的課程。一般而言,老師們均滿意 於他們的教學工作與家庭生活,健全家庭的強度亦高於平均數,並且大部認為自己是一位教 學有成效的老師。而影響家政教師有效教學的因素為:家庭滿意度、工作滿意度、教育程度 、種族、現在任教之科目,以及現在健全家庭之強度。 |