我們使用擴增片段長度多形性(AFLP:Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)與微衛星DNA(microsatellite DNA)兩種分子標記分析台灣(養殖族群及野外族群)和越南(野生族群)黑鯛(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)的遺傳結構。以主座標分析(PCA:Principal Coordinates Analysis)及未加權算術平均對群法(UPGMA:Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean)分析AFLP的數據均可將已知來源(以耳石分析和外部標誌確認)的黑鯛正確群聚區分爲三個類群(clade)。而且每個類群都有類群特有AFLP條帶可資區別。我們一共使用六個微衛星引子分析黑鯛的遺傳結構,其中四個多樣性極高(每個基因座有5至4個等位對偶基因),三個類群的基因頻度(allele frequency)也明顯不同。兩種分子標記皆可成功的鑒別採集自台灣海域的野外黑鯛,是否是人工養殖後再放流之個體。因此,AFLP與微衛星兩種分子標記都可監測在台灣海域做黑鯛人工放流資源復育之成效,以及評估放流工作對黑鯛野生族群遺傳多樣性的影響。
We use two molecular markers (AFLP : amplified fragment length polymorphism and microsatellite DNA) to investigate the genetic structure of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) populations in coastal waters of Taiwan and Vietnam. Specimens from two wild fish populations (one of Taiwan and one of Vietnam origin) and cultured fish from a Taiwan hatchery were fingerprinted. Both PCA and UPGMA analysis, based on AFLP data, indicated the studied individuals can be successfully and correctly divided into three clades. Each clade can be identified using specific AFLP bands. The genetic distance indicates high levels of genetic differentiation among these three populations. Four of six examined microsatellite loci were highly variable and showed different allelic patterns between the wild and cultured Taiwan populations. By using the AFLP or microsatellite markers, two unclear origin samples from Taiwan, were successfully clarified to the cultured and wild populations, respectively. Both AFLP and microsatellite DNA markers proved to be reliable, and could be used as genetic tags to identify released cultured black sea bream and evaluate the genetic effect of released fish to the natural black sea bream population.