種子發芽是植物生活史上一重要轉捩點,然陽光、空氣和水是影響植物生活主要外在因子。一般而言,鹽土植物生活種子曝露於高濃度鹽分環境中雖無法發芽,卻仍能保持活力,並於外在環境鹽分濃度降至低點時發芽。本研究旨在探討鈉鹽試液(碳酸鈉、硝酸鈉、硫酸鈉、氯化鈉與對照組純水)與處理時間(14天與21天)對木賊葉木麻黃種子發芽率之影響,結果顯示:木賊葉木麻黃生活種子在50g鈉鹽L-1 H2O試液處理14~21天期間不發芽或受限,但當處理效應解除,生活種子即發芽;處理效應消失前,生活種子之發芽率在硫酸鈉試液處理者顯著高於碳酸鈉、硝酸鈉與氯化鈉三試液處理者;處理效應消失後,種子發芽率隨碳、氮、硫與氯等四原子序之鈉鹽試液呈現直線顯著增加之現象;鈉鹽試液處理之種子發芽恢復率極顯著高於純水對照組者。
Although seed germination is a turning stage in the life cycle of plants, however, sunlight, air and water are three main external factors affecting plant's life. Generally speaking, for seeds of halophytes, although they can maintain their viability during exposure to high salinity, yet they can initiate germination when the salinity reaches a minimum concentration. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sodium-salt solutions (sodium carbonate, sodium nitrate, sodium sulfate and sodium chloride) and treatment time (14 days and 21 days) on germination percentage of Casuarina equisetifolia Linn. seeds. The results showed that C. equisetifolia Linn. viable seeds germinated as soon as released from 50 g sodium salt L^(-1) H_2O for 14~21 days; germination percentage of viable seeds from sodium sulfate solution was higher than those from solutions of sodium carbonate, sodium nitrate and sodium chloride before released from treatment effects; seeds' germination percentage showed linear increased pattern after released from treatment effects as the atomic increased number of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and chlorine; seeds' germination recovery percentage from sodium-salt solutions were significantly higher than that of pure water solution as control.