國家干預行政或給付行政,皆與行使公權力有關,應符合憲法第23 條法律保留原則,其執行公務員須有法定資格與法律授權。行政法上意義之公務員,主要以公務員服務法第24 條及公務人員保障法第3 條之定義,作為界定公務員之主要規範。刑法因立法目的主要在於規範公務員之行為,尤其關於刑法上公務員犯罪之類型,主要係以其行為作為主要判斷依據,而非單純以身分作為判斷標準,公務員得區分為身分公務員、授權公務員及委託公務員。民法第186條第1項規定,國家賠償法與民法之關係,依據國家賠償法第5條規定,民法為國家賠償法之補充法。
The administrative invasions or the administrative supplies are related to the implementation of state power, which should be pursuant to the principle of the 23rd article in Constitution. Namely, the public servant who is implementing the state power must have legal qualification and authorization. The meaning of public servant in Administrative Law is based on the 3rd article of the Public Servant Protective Law and the 24th article of the Public Servant Service Law, regarded as the main norm of defining the public servant. In Criminal Law, because the legislative purpose mainly lies in standardizing the behavior of the public servant, the criminal type of public servant is regulated in criminal law, taking the behavior but not the status to be the foundation of the judgment. The public servant could be divided into three categories. The relationships between State Compensation Law and Civil Law lies in the 186th article of Civil Law. According to the 5th article of Stat e Compensation Law, the Civil Law is the supplementary law of State Compensation Law.