本研究目的在探討八週變動強度及離心加重訓練對於肌力表現的影響。以26位臺北市私立大學健康大學男女學生為研究對象,男性平均年齡21.20±1.50歲、身高178.55 ± 6.77公分、體重79.79 ± 17.80、BMI值24.88 ± 4.18;女性平均年齡23 ± 3.68歲、身高168.17 ± 6.24公分、體重67.16 ± 7.80、BMI值23.69 ± 1.60。受試者隨機分為變動強度訓練組、離心加重訓練組及傳統訓練組,進行為期8週、每週2次、每次90分鐘的變動強度訓練、離心加重訓練或傳統訓練課程;再於8週後施予後測。所得數據以混合設計二因子變異數分析法,分析不同訓練方式對於深蹲及臥推1RM最大肌力之影響,並同時測量骨骼肌重及體脂肪率、下肢以60o/sec角速度和180o/sec角速度最大力矩。以α=.05為顯著水準。研究結果如下:8週變動強度及離心加重肌力訓練後,在肌力表現的部分,背蹲舉及臥推最大肌力在前測與後測有顯著 (p < .05) 差異;三組之間沒有顯著差異;在體脂肪率方面,前後測有顯著差異(p < .05),三組之間並無顯著差異,顯示各種方法達到的效果相似,對於體脂肪率之下降均有效果。在角速度60o/sec和180o/sec的下肢等速肌力測驗方面,本研究測驗結果顯示三組角速度伸膝及屈膝等速肌力皆無顯著差異。結論:8週變動強度及離心加重訓練對於背蹲舉及仰臥推舉最大肌力有提升效果,變動強度、離心加重及傳統訓練方式,在短期訓練的效果類似,可以作為相互取代之提高訓練多樣性的選擇。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of 8-week variable intensity training, eccentric loading and conventional training on strength performance. Methods: 26 healthy adult from a private university in Taipei participated as study subjects (males: average age 21.20±1.50 years, height 178.55±6.77 cm, weight 79.79±17.80, BMI values of 24.88±4.18; females: average age 23±3.68 years, height 168.17±6.24cm, weight 67.16±7.80, BMI values of 23.69±1.60). The subjects were randomly assigned into variable intensity training group, augmented eccentric loading training group and conventional training group. The training programs were carried out 90 minutes a day, 2 days a week for 8 weeks. The pre and post-test were conducted before and after the 8-week training. The difference in skeletal muscle weight, body fat percentage, squat and bench press 1RM maximum muscle strength, maximum torque of lower extremity at 60∘/ sec and 180∘/ sec angular velocity among three groups were analyzed by using mixed design two-way ANOVA. The significant level was set at α =.05. The research results were as follows: significant difference was found between pretest and posttest in maximal strength of squat and bench press after 8-weeks of strength training, with no significant difference among groups. In addition, significant decrease in body fat percentage in post test was found in all three groups, with no significant difference among the three groups. In the lower extremity isokinetic test at angular velocity of 60∘/ sec and 180∘/ sec test, no significant difference was found in speed 60 deg/sec and 180 deg/sec from isokinetic power test of knee extensor and flexor. Conclusion: This study suggested that eight weeks of variable intensity training and augmented eccentric loading training could improve back squat and bench press maximum strength for university students. The above three training methods can bring similar training effects in the short-term period. The training methods could be interchangeable to improve training diversity.