目的 :本文旨在探討合氣道之護身倒法 練習是否能增加動態與靜平衡力。方本文旨在探討合氣道之護身倒法 練習是否能增加動態與靜平衡力。方本文旨在探討合氣道之護身倒法 練習是否能增加動態與靜平衡力。方:本研究之實驗以北部私立大學除體育、運動相關科 系外之各學院生為對象。受測人 數共為三十人,其中五實驗組 ,接受每週三次、四十分鐘連續六的護 身倒法訓練;另外十五人為對照組,接受每週三次、四分鐘連續六的一般體適能徒手操訓練。所有受試對象在實驗前後皆施以靜態 Standing Stork Test 以 及動態 Y balance test 兩種平衡測試。使用二因子變異數分析比較其前後之相關 性,α值設定為 .05 。結果 :經六週訓練後,實驗組在靜態平衡的部分右腳單站立 的能力有明顯進步 ( P<.05 ),而左腳站立的部分則無 顯著差異;在動態平衡 的表現 上,實驗組在右 腳支撐後方、左腳支撐右等項目的表現上有 明顯的進步 ( P<.05 ) ,而在右腳支撐前方、左 後方、左腳支撐前三個項目 則無明顯差異。結論 則無明顯差異。結論 則無明顯差異。結論 :六周的護身倒法訓練, 六周的護身倒法訓練, 對於靜態與動平衡具有部分的效益,或 對於靜態與動平衡具有部分的效益,或 對於靜態與動平衡具有部分的效益,或 許值得做為運動或是體適能 訓練中另一種不同的選擇。
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a 6-week Ukemi training of Aikido on static and dynamic balance performance. Method : Subjects were 30 collegiate students between 18 and 22 who were randomly divided into fitness calisthenics group ( FCG ) ( n=15 )and ukemi group ( UG )( n=15 ). UG followed the ukemi training 40 minutes per session , 3 times a week for 6 weeks ; meanwhile , FCG followed the fitness calisthenics training 40 minutes per session , 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Pre and post-tests included Standing stork test for static balance and Y-balance test for dynamic balance . Data were analyzed by using mixed design two -ways ANOVA. Alpha level for all tests was set at 0.05. Result: After the six-week training , the Standing stork test of UG in the right leg standing showed significant improvement ( P <.05 ), while no significant difference between groups was found in left leg standing. In the Y-balance test, the average scores of UG were higher than FCG ( P < .05 ), no significant difference was found in left leg standing right leg forward, right leg standing left leg forward , right leg standing left leg backward of Y-balance test .Conclusion: after six-week ukemi training , the group revealed partial improvements in both static and dynamic balance performance – Thus it is recommended that the ukemi training can be used as an unconventional alternative to improve balance ability and prevent falling in fitness or sport training.