都市計畫通盤檢討實施辦法明定,辦理主要計畫通盤檢討時應擬定大眾運輸導向之都市發展模式土地使用配置策略或計畫。此規定宣告我國都市型態發展模式,朝向大眾運輸導向(Transit-Oriented Development; TOD) 集中發展模式。(張惟皓、張效通,2015)。
大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-Oriented Development; TOD)被視為解決都市擴張(Urban Sprawl)的發展模式,發展應集中於運輸場站周邊,透過土地混合使用(Diversity)、高密度發展(Density)、都市設計(Design)等原則,吸引人潮回流到都市中心。台北市開始著手規劃大眾捷運系統,於民國85年完成了第一條捷運木柵線、民國86年淡水線通車,而後板南線、蘆洲線等陸續的通車,逐漸完成台北市捷運路網,並朝向大眾運輸導向發展模式(Transit-Oriented Development; TOD)。
本研究以捷運淡水線為研究對象,探討民國80年至100年捷運場站半徑500m公尺的範圍內之都市型態變遷,因此透過大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-oriented development, TOD)及都市型態(Urban form)等相關理念回顧分析後,提出大眾運輸導向發展評估指標包含:土地使用強度、居住人口密度、土地混合使用、旅運人次等四項指標,融合探討都市型態之空間型構法則(Space syntax),進型綜合分析。並以各捷運場站依都市發展型態分為緊密型、擴張型、緩慢型、複合型等進行分類。
Regulations for the periodical overall review of Urban Planning mandates that land-use strategies and/or plans in accordance with Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) must be established whilst conducting overall review of master plan. This regulation clearly indicates that the form of urban development in Taiwan is heading towards Transit-Oriented Development.
Transit-Oriented Development is seen as a development model to solve negative impacts of urban sprawl. It believes that developments should be concentrated in/around transit hubs, through strategies such as land-use diversity, high-density development, high-quality urban design and etc. to attract people back to city centers. Taipei City began to develop mass rapid transit (MRT) system and established the first route, Muzha Line, in 1996, following by Bannan Line and Luzhou Line and the network was gradually shaped. Such a development influenced Taipei City’s urban development and led the city towards Transit-Oriented Development.
This research investigates the changes in urban development in a 500 meter radius around stations along Tamsui-Xinyi Line from 1991 to 2011. Through literature reviews of Transit-Oriented Development and urban forms, this research proposes four evaluation indicators: land-use intensity, inhabitant density, mixed land-use, and ridership. Moreover, this research masters space syntax with these four indicators and is able to categorized MRT stations into four categories: compact, dilated, slow and compound.