Under increasingly strict requirements on provision of reimbursement, the medical cosmetology market has become one of the largest and fastest growing markets nowadays. It is experiencing exponential growth and its development is towards self-pay services in order to make a profit. Through the detailed introduction of front line beauty consultants, consumers get a better understanding of medical cosmetic treatment, and then purchase it.
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between beauty consultants and the incentive program, their personality traits, perceived value and behavior intention. The study were collected from beauty consultants of Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Taichung area through 124 questionnaires, using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis, statistical analysis, statistical study found that the perceived value of the function and value of the quality function facets have significant impact on the incentive program, showing subjects were able to perceive the incentive scheme brought content price and value for money. Consultants’ personality known as "Openness to Experience" and "Agreeableness” come with the highest intention for the recommendation for course of treatment. And emotional function plays the most important role in incentives program for the consultants’ intention to perform the recommended behavioral, they also enjoy the process to obtain benefits from incentive programs.