本研究旨在探討單親家庭高中(職)學生的父母管教方式、自我概念與生活適應之相關性。研究結果顯示:一、單親家庭高中(職)學生之不同「依親家長社經地位」、「單親原因」在父母管教方式上達顯著差異。二、單親家庭高中(職)學生之不同個人背景變項在自我概念上皆無顯著差異。二、單親家庭高中(職)學生之不同「性別」、「年級」、「學校屬性」、「依親家長社經地位」在生活適應分構面及整體生活適應皆達顯著差異;而不同「單親年數」則在生活適應分構面達顯著差異。四、單親家庭高中(職)學生父母管教方式、自我概念與生活適應兩兩之間呈現正相關。五、單親家庭高中(職)學生之性別、年級、學校屬性、依親家長社經地位、依親性別、父母管教方式、自我概念對生活適應具有預測力。根據上述研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議供後續研究者及相關單位參考。 The main purpose of this research is to examine the impact of parenting styles, and self-concepts on life adjustment among high (vocational) school students in single-parent families. The results indicated that high (vocational) school students' life adjustment was predicted by their genders, years of study, school attributions, social-economic status, parents' gender, parenting styles, and students' self-concept. In addition, the respondents also presented relatively a high level of self-concept and good overall life adjustment. In terms of parenting styles, the students perceived positive and encouraging parenting styles from their parents, but there were significant differences due to the social-economic status and causes of single parent. Different genders, years of studying, and social-economic status have significant differences in overall level of student’s life adjustment. The implications and the applications of results and there are discussed. The conclusion of this study is based on the results of the study mentioned above, and can be used as a reference for people who would like to study further in this field.