摘要: | 因應近幾年氣候變遷,全球暖化逐漸嚴重,以至於極端降雨發生頻率逐年升高,洪患與淹水等災情頻傳,台北市雖然為全台灣雨水下水道建構最完全之縣市,但因為台北市建地密度高,發生強降雨時,將會造成重大災害,且近期之極端降雨之巨大降雨量,台北市之排水系統已經無法完全保障台北市民居住之人生財產安全,本研究將會真對台北市之公共開放空間與建築用地空間,利用千禧年生態系評估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MA)提出生態系服務其中的調節功能(regulating services)來檢視,希望未來在規畫設計上面,能夠在多功能使用目標上更注重滯洪這部分做加強,使高密度建成地區的台北市能夠在未來面臨極端氣候帶來之強降雨能有更多儲水空間,降低洪患發生之機率。
In recent years in response to climate change, global warming gradually so severe that the frequency of extreme rainfall increased year by year, and so frequent floods and waterlogging disaster, although the construction of Taipei is the most complete of the counties in Taiwan rainwater sewer because Taipei City high density, heavy rainfall occurs, it will cause serious damage, and the enormous rainfall of recent extreme rainfall, the drainage system of the Taipei City has been unable to fully protect the life of the security property Taipei residents live, this will be true for research public open space and building land space in Taipei, the use of the Millennium Ecosystem assessment, proposed ecosystem services where regulation regulating services to view, hope for the future in planning design of the above, it is possible multifunctional use more attention on this part of objective detention do to strengthen, high-density areas built in Taipei can be faced with heavy rain brought the extreme weather in the future to have more storage space and reduce the probability of the occurrence of flooding.
In this study, the use of geographic information system applications (ArcGIS) do auxiliary operations, and the use of modeling of a range of Taipei value than a thousand relief map as the substrate, with the flood of information produced by government agencies of the potential diagram of doing flooded water and flooding simulation range and scope of the study in accordance with the topography partition of rainwater catchment sewer, pipeline location, direction and easy to drain flood direction other factors, to screen the detention conditions of open space within the scope of the study, for the first park Greenland do first screening, again for the school construction sites and institutions do screening, screening of the finished space will do to set context of detention in accordance with the collection of the Institute of literature, plans and construction methods and other information, the different forms of space can hope detention of benefit conferred the greatest benefit, with a set of different situations, draw different benefits of detention, and the status of the amount of flood and flooding made the area do than, than after a different situation with the resulting benefits of detention, use different match different space, a different situation and a different situation with the detention arising under.
The detention of the amount of different situations do come to set the whole system, and to do with the different needs of different situations, learn different situations with different detention benefits obtained, and this study will provide a different situation with the detention of benefits for different aspects, such as from an economic level, the construction level, the social level, etc., to provide the public sector or the planning and design units in the future planning and design of open space to have more reference, but also hope that through this study draw the conclusions and recommendations, enabling multifunction future public open space use standardized pay more attention to the detention of the part, in response to the storm water future extreme weather. |