摘要: | 觀光被認為對於促進和平具有潛在作用,觀光可以促進人民交流、減少敵意與誤解、增加與敵對國家的政治交流,並緩和緊張情勢,進而帶來和平。臺灣海峽兩岸雖仍處於軍事敵對狀態,但雙方的觀光交流頻繁,能提供實證研究案例,驗證觀光是否真能促進和平,而中國大陸觀光客來臺旅遊期間,親身體驗臺灣的民主,勢必造成不容小覷的影響。本研究探討中國大陸觀光客來臺之旅遊經驗,是否會增加對臺灣人民、社會、政府的良好意象,以及反對兩岸戰爭的態度。研究結果發現,中國大陸觀光客來臺前對臺灣認知普遍良好,但在體驗臺灣數月後發現與原本想像有落差。研究結果認同Litvin (1998)認為觀光只是和平下的受益者,而非促進者,然結果也不支持觀光能提高民主價值觀。
A number of researchers have postulated the potential role that tourism between partitioned and/or remain hostile countries may be a positive force of reducing tension, conflicts, political mistrust, and idealistically building peaceful conditions (D’Amore, 1988; Hobson & Ko,1994; Jafari, 1989; Lee, 1998; Matthews, 1978; Matthews & Ritcher, 1991; Richter, 1989, 1996; Var, Brayle, & Korsay, 1989; Var, Schluter, Ankomah, & Lee, 1989). However, in contrast, Litvin (1998) also has pointed out that tourism is not necessarily a forerunner of peace and reconciliation, but rather a beneficiary of peaceful relations. Whether tourism could promote world peace is remain a topic that worth to be studied.
China (officially, the People’s Republic of China, or PR China) and Taiwan (officially, Republic of China) have remained divided after the end of civil war in 1949. Until 1987, Taiwan citizens are allowed to visit China for their siblings. Since 2008, Chinese government allows Chinese citizens to visit Taiwan. In 2012, there are more than 5 million Taiwanese tourists visit China and more than 2.5 million Chinese tourists visit Taiwan. The current case between Taiwan Strait could help to exam if tourism can promote world peace. This study aimed to realize if Chinese tourists’ Taiwan travel experience will influence their perception of Taiwan to realize.
Three hundred questionnaires were obtained from Mainland Chinese' exchange students and another 300 questionnaires were also obtained from Mainland Chinese' exchange students in Chinese Culture University. Both questionnaire contain the same questions which include perception about Taiwanese people, society, Taiwanese government, and holistic attitude about Taiwan. The goal was to realize if Chinese tourist provide significantly different answers or their perceptions about Taiwan.
For a broad understanding of tourism across the Taiwan Strait, this paper previously draws on an overview of Mainland Chinese’ democratic values and their perceptions on Taiwan through traveling in Taiwan. From the theoretical perspective, the paper assesses the perceptions of Mainland tourists towards Taiwanese, society, government, cross-strait tourism, and hostile attitude by using empirical testing.
Finally, the role of tourism in reconciliation and peace between Mainland China and Taiwan is discussed and supported. |