臺灣東北部海域為黑潮與大陸沿岸流之交會區,其不同水團能量問的變換,亦將促使動物性浮游生物產生變異。 自1990年8月迄1991年7月間共進行五個航次之採樣,採樣時是採用北太平洋標準浮游生物網,自水深150公尺處進行垂直採樣。 1990年9月及11月所採得之浮游動物平均個體量要比1990年4月及7同為多,而以撓腳類為最主要之種類,在9月及11月佔總個體量之70.9及73.1,而4月及7月則僅佔57.2及56.5。次多的為毛顎類,平均約6.7,再次之為南極蝦類及糠蝦類,平均約4.5。且在調查區域內以黑潮及大陸邊緣之斜坡附近為多及黑潮主軸附近為較少。
In the waters off northerneast Taiwan, is the convergence area of kuro shio and East China sea coast water, the zooplankton will be fluctuated in different water mass. Used the NORPAC plankton net to collect zooplankton from 150 meterdepth to surface by vertical sampling method, there were five navigationfrom August 1990 to July 1991. From September to November 1990, obtain higher mean value of abundance than April and July 1991.The Copepoda were the most dominant group,the percentage of copepoda in total abundance are 70.9 and 73.1 inSeptember and November, 57.2 and 56.5 in April and July. Next dominant group was Chaetognatha, it had 6.7 of mean value percentage.Euphausiaceae and Mysidaceae had 4.5 of mean value percertage. Theabundant zone were in Kuroshio Edge along the continential shelf andKuroshio axis were rare area.