台灣東北部海域黑潮在大陸斜坡邊緣形成湧升流,並流向西北方。由 NOAA-HRPT所處理成之圖像,可發現冷水團及其鋒面位置,約在121°30'E~123 °E及25°N-26°N之間。 於1991年8月迄1992年7月間,在台灣東北部海域以NORPAC浮游動物網垂直採集 四個航次之浮游動物,可發現水溫較高夏季,在冷水團出現位置之個體量較少, 但在周圍溫度較高區域,個體量即會增加。而由於冬季鋒面送吹,使121°30'E 以南區域形成冷水區,全部海域的個體量較少。尤其100公尺等深線附近,由溶 氧、營養鹽的資料,發現海底湧升區仍然存在,湧升流區域浮游動物個體量亦為 整個調查海域最少地區。因此浮游動物受溫度分佈影響個體量之多寡。
In the waters off northeastern Taiwan is a zone of upwelling produced byKuroshio subsurface water impinging on the shelf edge and flowing to the northwest. From surface water temperature images of NOAA - HRPT, cold eddies andfronts were located at 121°30'~123°E and 25° ~ 26° N . Vertical zooplankton sampling using a NORPAC plankton net was carried out during four cruises this researcharea in 1991 and 1992. During two summer cruises in August 1991 and June 1992 , the abundance ofzooplankton in the area of upwelling was smaller than in its dispersed surrounding area. During two winter cruises in October and September 1991 , the cold front flowedfrom 121°30 E in an eastern direction . The abundance of zooplankton decreased inthe whole zone compared to the summer season . From abundant dissolved oxygenand nutrients at the 100 - meter depth, upwelling still lifted water to the surface inwinter . the abundance of zooplankton was the smallest in the zone of upwelling aswell. Therefore, abundance and distribution of zooplankton were influcened by thecold upwelling water lifted up from deep water.