在卯澳灣自一九九五年三月至八月共計4次的採集資料中,各測站的動物性浮游生物個體量(abundance)自27.231 ind. ╱m3至1637.733 ind.╱m3,以八月平均含量584.988 ind. ╱m3為較高,而以六月時C站之個體量1937.733 ind.╱m3為最高,四月的平均含量46.580 ind.╱m3較低,可能是當時天候不佳所造成的影響較大。而生體量(biomass)以八月時的D站0.278g╱m3較高,以出現一些體型較大之動物性浮游生物,如毛顎類、水母類及橈腳類以外之甲殼類幼生等時,有明顯增渡之趨勢。其中橈腳滿在動物性浮游生物中佔有69%-91%的多數比例,其個體數含量範圍自23.936 ind.╱m3至124.173ind.╱m3之間,動物性浮游生物的個體量以六月、八月之數量為較高,而橈腳類之個體量亦隨之增加,是此海域中分布較廣之種類。由兩航次之間的相似度來看,其群聚之組成變化不大。其生體量與個體量兩者的相關性,以八月時最為顯著。許多魚蝦之幼生是以橈腳類等動物性浮游生物為主要餌料,因此,從調查結果得知,卯澳灣海域有豐富的餌料生生物,可提供稚魚成長所需。
Zooplankton samples were collected from the Mao-Ao Bay during four cruises from March to August 1995. The zooplankton abundance ranged widely from 27.231 ind./m3 to 1637.733 ind./m3. The highest zooplankton biomass (0.728 g/m3) was collected from astaion D in August 1995. the zooplankton community consisted of six major categories copepods, chaetognathes, medusae, fish eggs and larvae, crustaceans other than copepods, and others. Copepods, the dominant group, ranged from 96% to 91%of zooplankontic community, the abundance peak followed a growth peak in total abundance. According to analysis of abundance similarity and the relationship of abundance and biomass, the two dates were parallel, showing a stable environment. Copepods appeared to the the living food of many kinds of fish larvae. Compared with exhibited the adjacent sea, Mao-Ao Bay more a abundance of zooplankton.