本次調查在宜蘭地區選定三個養殖池,採回之水樣經藻種之定性及定量 之分析,而後據以研判各蝦池之藻種組成與水質中各種物理化學狀態並計算種歧 異度,以了解群落特徵。結果顯示E池出現之藻種類數以矽藻類最高,但單種之 數量均低。AA1池及AA2池,藍綠藻類及綠藻類總量均大幅增加,較常出現之優 勢藻種為CHaetocerOS sp.、Cylindropyrix profunda、Gloeocystis sp.、Volvox aureus、 Merismopedia tennuissima'、Chroococcus sp.、Cateria sp.、Chlorella vulgaris 其中 Chlorella vulgaris為AA2池之單一絕對優勢藻種Gloeo cystis sp.及偶出現於AA1池中 之Coelastru microporum則與水質轉壞有關,至於E池少量出現之ProrOcentrum micans則需是赤潮形成之主要藻種,AA1池日間採集以綠藻門為主,清晨則以藍 綠藻門為主,此日夜消長值得重視,且各池變異很大,經迴歸分析藻類的總量與 水體中硝酸鹽及磷酸鹽有關,由各數據結果顯示大尺度的評估觀念不能說明每一 池環境差異所造的結果。
We selected several ponds in the I - Lan area for investigation of phytoplanktonabundance, species composition, physical and chemical analysis of water quality. Wealso calculated species diversity to characterize phytoplankton communities. Resultswere as follows : In pond E, blue-gresnalgal dominated the phytophlankton, but thenumber of individual of species of phytoplankton was low. In ponds AA1 and AA2,the number of species and abundance of blue - greens and greens increased greatly. Inpond AA1, greens were the main component of the phytoplankton community duringdaytime sampling, while blue greens were the main component during dawnsampling. This diurnal succession deserves furture attention. In conclusion, the large scale assessment could not reasonably explain the different environmental conditions in each pond.