本文針對空氣品質監測提出兩種不同方式監測站設計模式。一爲大型污染源之污染管制事件固定監測網之設計模式;另一爲區域性空氣污染固定監測網之設計模式。大型污染源之污染管制事件固定監測之設計,係利用單點污染源大氣擴散模式(CRSTER模式)與統計方法,以興達地區二氧化硫濃度之分佈爲例,將地面氣象觀測值與污染資料輸入電腦程式,取台電公司興達測站SO2濃度測定值之前80%程度值爲污染管制事件之空氣品質標準,並依Smith等人每年發生十次之最低設站標準,計算超過管制事件和每年發生十次以上之風向、風速、穩定度等聯合頻率之發生次數和最大濃度發生之下風距離,再利用二項分配原理,考慮十六方位風向,三種最大地面濃度忍限值(0.9Cmax,0.9Cmax及0.7Cmax)及四種可信賴區間(0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99)等情況,來尋求設置測站之地點及數目。
This paper provides two methods for local and regional air quality monitoring network design. One is for air monitoring near point source. The other is for regional air qualiity survey.
For a large point source, the objective of monitoring is assigned to determine the occurance of maximum conecetration. The purpose of regional air quality survey is to obtain the distribution of pollutants of whole region.
The local air quality monitoring statins are located at where the maximum concentration likely occure. The regional air quality monitoring are located at the point which the error of estimate is largest.