為了瞭解地形改變是否會影響氣象因子,特針對新竹寶山農場因鄰近開發高爾夫 球場整地所產生的地形變化前後,並與相關氣象資料進行分析。選用的氣象因子包括:最 高氣溫、最低氣溫、最高相對濕度、最低相對濕度、雨量、風向、風速等。結果顯示, 在此區日平均變化趨勢方面除風速有明顯的增加外,其他因子則無較顯著差異。在月平 均變化趨勢方面,氣溫、相對濕度有增高的趨勢,而風向也有相當大的改變。全年變化 方面,除雨量差異較小外,其他的氣象因子如氣溫、相對濕度、風速等均有10%有左右或 更高的差異。從每季的風向改變率來看,除了夏季的風向不變外,其他三季的風向均有 改變,並超出100度以上。由此可見地形變化確實會對當地的環境產生改變,要如何能 在有限的土地上做最大利用而又不破壞當地的環境,是未來土地開發利用一值得深入 探討的問題。
Paoshan Experiment Farm in Hsinchu was selected to study the effect of topographic modification due to neighboring golf course construction on various meteorological parameters such as maximum and minimum air temperature, maximum and minimum relative humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction. Results indicate that most daily climatic parameters do not increase significantly, except for wind speed. The monthly average values for air temperature and relative humidity show increasing trend. Wind direction also has changed significantly. Among all parameters, only the annual rainfall becomes smaller as a result of topographic modification. Temperature, humidity and wind speed all increase by as much as 10%. The summer wind direction does not alter much. However, the change in wind direction amounts to more than 100 degrees for the other 3 seasons. This study clearly shows that topographic modification may result in significant change in the environment. Utilization and protection of the limited slope land environment remains, therefore, to be a research topic worthy of future in-depth investigation.