地形分區是研究地景多樣性和棲息地的基礎。在航攝像片上,可以清楚見到地表 的嵌塊體、廊道、基質、與網絡,這些因子共同構成景觀要素。它們構成地景生態學研究的 景觀結構( structure )。除了研究結構之外,地景生態學也研究地景的功能和改變。
Geomorphological regions provide a foundation to study landscape diversityand habitat. In a small-scaled aerial photography, ccorridor, matrix and network, which together make up the basic elemerts of landscape structure. Generallj speaking, landscape erobogy studij the structure, function and change of landscape. Cooperative ettort by geomor-pholog sts and buologists are necessony to achiene an in-depth analysis of lemdscape ewlogy.