摘要: | 近年來,國際地景保育(或稱地球科學保育、地球資產保育)有著顯著的發展,其中尤以英國的成就最值得借鏡。我國的地景保育始見於國家公園法、文化資產保存法、發展觀光條例以及森林法之中,其中國家公園法以及文化資產保存法都有明確的相關條文規定。 國家公園中,存在著豐富的地理、地形、地質景點,而且經常構成特別景觀區以及生態保護區�堛煽炷圻a(habitat)。因此在國內最具規模與實力的自然保育體系中,率先完成景點登錄以及各種地景保育工作,實在是最優先的保育工作,也是管理機構的職責。 陽明山國家公園是一個緊鄰臺北大都會區的近自然環境。由於當地具有特殊的開發史,因此該區仍能保留許多珍貴的綠資源和各種特殊地質、地形景觀,以及野生動植物、人文史蹟等。本研究登錄了已知的重要特殊地質、地形景觀。各景點的特徵都以表格的方式記錄,不僅便於查詢,也使各景點的經營管理步入系統化。同時,也可依據登錄表中所記載的項目,做定期監測。 除了登錄表之外,又依據各景點的特性,提出了保育管理方向;至於深入各景點的個案研究,以及研擬各景點的管理計畫,則成為本研究建議的後續計畫。整體而言,定期監測與景點保育管理計畫乃是今後應持續辦理的地景保育工作。後者包含了地景保育技術的開發、景點規劃為積極利用的計畫以及合作管理(collaborative management)、衝突管理、社區參與等各層面的探討。
Earth heritage site documentation and conservation are of high priority for all the National Park administration Offices. This report illustrates what the Yangmingshan National Park has done recently. hopefully, it will open up a new approach to site documentation and conservation programs in Taiwan. Included in this report, are site registration form, criteria for selection of sites, site conservation strategies, etc. Earth Heritage Conservation has made significant progress in recent years. Particularly, in U.K., England had published his Earth Science Conservation Strategy in 1990, which provided an excellent example that other countries could learn from. In Taiwan, several laws have items cover earth heritage conservation, such as the National Park Law, Cultural Heritage Preservation Law, Tourism Development Regulations, and Forestry Law. The Council of Agriculture initiated a Landscape Conservation Program several years ago. By now, Earth Heritage Conservation has been promoted from a theory to practice stage. In our National Parks, there are plenty of sites of earth science importance. They, on the other hand, made the habitat for wildlife. Considering the existing potential for a successful Earth Heritage Documentation and Conservation Program, National Parks are obviously the first choice. |