試驗電荷在電漿中產生之德拜雲,長久以來一直是電漿物理探討的主題 之一,但直到最近,我們才能藉相減技術,在電腦模擬中看到清晰的德拜雲,了 解其與電荷速度之關係,此結果與使用點電荷之理論預測亦極吻合,由於電腦模 擬中所使用者為finite size particles,因此本計劃即由電漿動力理論出發,考慮finite size particles之效應,並以數值方法算出試驗電荷在各種速度下之德拜雲。
The Debye screening of a test particle by plasma is of fundamentalimportance in plasma physics. By applying a subtraction techniquein computer simulations, we have successfully observed the Debye cloudof a test particle in a 2D unmagnetized plasma, and the velocity dependence of the cloud. The results agree closely with that of kinetictheory based on point particle. Since finite size particles are usedin the simulation, this paper is to include finite size particle correction in the kinetic theory consideration, and to evaluate numericallythe Debye clouds for various test particle speed.