法語教學(la didactique du francais langue etrangere)中的教育學家對學習 者所犯的 farte 及 erreur (暫譯:「錯」及「誤」)提出不同的區分理論, 探討學習者 的表現結果、能力及其溝通策略的問題。本文針對其理論對「錯誤」問題進行兩方面研究 :首先就大學法語教學實務中進行「共時」分析,研究此種「錯誤」理論的可行性,並更進 一步對學習者因外語本身邏輯思考所導致的錯誤(第三類)提出質疑。
In the field of "French didactics" (Teaching French as a foreign language), most theoreticians often employ a theory of two-level mistakes -"fault" and "error" which results in various problems of learner's performance, competence, and the strategy of communication. This article mainly deals with two concerns. First, it presents a study of the feasibility of such fault/error theory via practical experience and synchronic analysis. Second, most significantly, it further proposes a third category of oral and wnt mistakes brought about by the logic of foreign language itself.