本文利用一份兩個開放式問題的問卷,針對中國文化大學的學生進行調查,藉以 探討大學生心中理想「大一英文」與「英語實習」課程教師的特質。本研究將大學生心中理 想「大一英文」與「英語實習」課程教師的特質,作一分析、比較與討論,最後再從問卷調 查的發現,獲得有關我國大學生對於英文教師特質的觀點之結論。
A questionnaire of two open-ended questions concerning the qualities of the ideal EFL teacher of the Freshman English course and the English Laboratory course was administered to 111 Chinese Culture University students taking the Freshman English course under this writer's instruction in the 1997-98 academic year. Based on the findings of the questionnaire, a comparison was made as to the student perception of the qualities of the ideal Freshman English and English Laboratory courses. Finally, conclusions concerning how Taiwan' s university students perceive the qualities of the ideal EFL teacher were drawn from the survey findings.