摘要: | 唐代的嶺南東道地區,大致為今日的廣東、海南島及廣西部分地區,幅員相當遼闊。嶺南東道地區的廣州有良好的手工業基礎,加以是唐代第一大國際貿易港,商業貿易發達,因此相當繁榮。再者,韶州、桂州及恩州等地則因有良好的交通條件,因此亦有一定的發展外,嶺南東道的大部分地區在唐代仍是開發較遲之地。嶺南東道有部分地區因地處偏遠及交通不便等因素,而與廣州、韶州、桂州及恩州的發展,存在著區域性的差異。然而即使是這些經濟發展較落後地區,也因嶺南東道地區交通路線的開闢,以及伴隨著廣州、韶州、桂州及恩州等地經濟發展的帶動下,而有一定的發展。本文對嶺南東道地區的農業、手工業、交通路線及商業貿易等方面的發展加以論述;並對廣州及桂州、韶州、恩州等地的經濟發展加以探究。
Lingnan East Area in Tang Dynasty is roughly Guangdong, Hainan, and part of Guangxi regions nowadays, covering quite vast lands. This paper will explore aspects of its agriculture and handicraft development, transportation, commercial trade, etc. Guangzhou in Lingnan East Area was well developed in commercial trade due to its good handicraft foundation, excellent geography location, and being the largest international trade port in Tang Dynasty. Shaozhou, Guizhou, Enzhou, etc were also developed economically because of their better transportation conditions. On the contrary, most other Lingnan East Areas were still less developed lands in Tang except for those mentioned areas above. They had regional development differences with Guangzhou, Shaozhou, Guizhou, etc due to the remote location and inaccessibility. However, even these relatively less-developed areas were further developed after Late Tang and Five Dynasties, because more regional transport routes were opened within Lingnan East Area, and they were also driven by economic development in Guangzhou, Shaozhou, Guizhou, Enzhou, etc. |