Judo evolved from "Jujutsu". It is one of Japanese traditional martial arts and was created by Jigoro Kano in 1882. Considering not only educational concepts, "Maximum efficient use of energy, Mutual prosperity for self and others", Jigoro Kano also incooperated China Confucianism and Taoism and whereby he invented Judo. The purpose of the research is to understand, with the document, the essence of Judo and its educational connotation. The essences of Judo include "The principle of natural body" on the positive thinking side, and "The principle of tenderness" and "The principle of Kuzushi", which emphasize the importance of offense and defense as one. The educational connotation refers to the meaning in physical and mental parts. Judo can not only build up health, but also nurture moralities of patience, endurance, and courage. The principles discussed in the research reveal the educational effects of Judo to Judo learners, which would help learners of all levels receive real benefits from learning Judo or further to instruct learners with principles and rules in Judo. In so doing we will be able to foster more prominent Judo players and be helpful to Judo.