全球性氣候變遷直接或間接影響了建成環境中之生活模式,使得經驗法則之設計方法已無法準確解決現今環境的所有問題,然而多數設計者依舊透過經驗法則或過往完成之案例構思介入現今都市、建築設計或閒置空間再利用之設計過程。Gibson (1982)所提出的性能導向的建築設計(Performance-Based Building Design)主要概念為,建築設計應該依建築需求而設計。本研究透過實際量測隧道物理環境因子與計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD),探討舊溪口與光復隧道內外風環境之關係與不同參數條件下隧道內熱舒適之變化。因隧道內較難準確定義為室內或戶外環境,故透過生理等效溫度(PET)與室內熱舒適度(PMV)評估其熱舒適度。部份研究得知兩隧道之模擬初始風速越大,生理等效溫度(PET)與室內熱舒適度(PMV)越低。舊溪口隧道之初始風速大於7m/s,隧道內平均PET與PMV反而上升,而舊光復隧道是模擬初始風速大於8m/s,隧道內平均PET與PMV反而上升。探討設置不同風機風量對隧道內風環境與熱舒適之影響,根據數據得知隨風機風量增加,隧道內風場風速漸增,PET與PMV之值漸低。當同時以PET與PMV評估隧道不同參數環境時,PET會較PMV提早定義為舒適狀態。
Global climate change influence the building of environment direct or indirect , that make the experience rules of design method unable to accurately solve all environment problem of today's environment . However, the majority of designers still use their experience rules or the concepts of past cases to intervene the city landscape、architecture or reused of unused space design process . Gibson(1982) proposed “Performance-Based Building Design”that main content is architecture design should be follow the architecture requirements . This study used field measurement and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),investigate relation about the wind environment inside and outside the tunnels and the thermal comfort with different Parametric inside the tunnels in the Old Xikou tunnel and Old Guangfu tunnel . Accessing the thermal comfort will use Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) , because tunnel environment is hard to define that inside or outside environment .The result of the study showed higher wind velocity (Ur) setting resulted in lower value of Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) in the Old Xikou tunnel and Old Guangfu tunnel . Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) become higher , when the wind velocity (Ur) setting higher than 7m/s in the Old Xikou tunnel and Old Guangfu tunnel is higher than 8m/s . The exploration of wind environment and thermal comfort when setting different wind velocity with fan . According to the data , when the wind velocity with fan increases , the wind speed will become higher and the value of PET and PMV will getting lower. When both PET and PMV to evaluate different parameters in tunnel environment, PET would be more earlier defined as a comfortable state than PMV.