摘要: | 本研究主要目的是探究本園家長對幼兒園服務品質與經營策略的滿意度看法,並探討家長的背景變項、家長選擇幼兒園決策取向行為,及家長對幼兒園服務品質滿意度之間的關係。最後探討範圍以多數原住民族群家長為主要範疇。以原住民族文化、生活、祭典禮儀、認同教育等觀點為鋪陳作為內容呈現。本研究在方法上以質性研究分析為主,以文獻為基礎形成訪談大綱且採半結構訪談方法來蒐集資料,並對原住民族、新住民族和漢民族家長進行深度訪談,以質化焦點訪談彙整出綜合結論,輔以問卷調查幼兒園服務品質及經營策略,瞭解家長滿意幼兒園之項目。針對不同族群體家長對幼兒園服務品質滿意度的差異情形,提供建議予幼兒園經營者及教師參考。
This study aims to investigate parental perception of, and satisfaction with, the service quality and business strategy of their children’s nurseries, and to discuss the relationships between parental background variables, decision behavior on the part of parents in choosing a nursery and parents’ satisfaction with the nursery service quality. The final discussion of this study focuses on the majority of aboriginal parents, based on the analysis of their aboriginal culture, life, rituals and ceremonies, as well as identity-related education. This study used qualitative analysis and literature review to develop an interview outline. By using semi-structured interviews to gather information, this study conducted in depth focused interviews with aboriginals, new immigrants and Han Chinese parents to understand which aspects the parents were satisfied with, by employing a survey on nursery service quality and business strategies, as well as to come up with a comprehensive conclusion. Given that parents from different ethnic groups differ in their satisfaction with nursery service quality and business strategies, we provide relevant suggestions to the nursery operators and teachers for their reference.
The results of the study are summarized below:
Parents gave priority to factors such as “vicinity, convenience and reliability” when choosing a nursery. Among the five aspects of service quality (tangibility, competence, communication, reasonableness and responsiveness), parents’ actual perceived satisfaction and overall satisfaction with respect to responsiveness were both slightly better than their expectation. Among the three aspects of parental recognition of the nursery’s business strategy (teacher and student performance strategy, image creative activity strategy and price strategy), price strategy showed the actual perceived level of recognition to be slightly higher than expected. In parents’ overall perception of the nursery education, they attached greater importance to moral education than to academic skills.
The study also found that although the government has been promoting diversified education and expected schools to implement diversified courses, parents from different ethnic groups have different opinions on the necessity of these courses. Some parents place more importance on mainstream curriculum, while others emphasize the importance of learning “cultural identity”. This study also sheds some light on this issue. |