本研究採用深入訪談法(in-depth interview),輔以文本分析(the narrative analysis)及個案研究(case study),針對海峽兩岸重大跨境犯罪分析其成因與模式,包括電信詐欺犯罪、人口販運以及毒品犯罪等。並分析臺灣海峽兩岸共同打擊跨境犯罪積極合作機制下,以全球化觀點、非傳統安全之相關理論與實務結合,嘗試提出具體之建議與重點方向,期能作為跨境犯罪治理之重要指標。
The thesis applies in-depth interview, the narrative analysis, and case study to analyze cross-Taiwan Straits major crimes recently ranging from Telecom fraud crime, human trafficking, and drug crimes. In this research, the author analyzes their causes, modesof these cross-straits crimes and hope that the findings in the thesis will provide policy recommendations for both governments across the Taiwan Straits. Also, through in-depth analysis of relevant cases, the author tries to combine the theory and practice from non-traditional security and global perspectives to establish a comprehensive framework of governing cross-border crimes.
The research concludes that it will be more effective to fight cross-border crimes if both authorities across the Taiwan Straits to sign police cooperation memorandum, actively participate in international police cooperation,execute professional training with each other, plus assign police liaison officers, and promote mechanisms for cooperation in combating cross-border crimes in the third place. In addition, to elaborate standard operating procedures and to establish P to P police cooperation will ensure the combined effects of preventing cross-straits crimes in the future.