摘要: | 松江鄭澈(1536~1593)為朝鮮時代著名詩人,且是韓國文學史上最具代表性的歌辭、時調大家,著書有詩文集《松江集》與詩歌作品集《松江歌辭》,筆寫本有《松江別集追錄遺辭》與《文清公遺辭》。上述詩文集中,總計有741首的漢詩,以及4首的長篇歌辭與85首的短篇時調。松江現存741首的漢詩中有130首(137處)的詩中使用「雲」字,佔整體詩數的17.5%;若加上與雲有關的五色、霧與霞,則高達142首(154處),約佔整體詩數的五分之一(19%)。顯見松江不僅在其詩歌作品中愛用「雲」字,更說明了「雲」在松江詩歌作品中並非單純的材料或隨興的妝點,而是松江詩歌創作的重要題材之一。基此,本文將以松江漢詩中出現的「雲」意象為中心,考究其意象的類型與特性,以及其在詩歌作品中藉雲抒發的特定情感與投射的思想內涵。整體而言,除了作為純粹的自然意象出現的雲之外,松江九成以上的涉雲詩中的雲均內含表象詩人主觀情思的特殊意象,顯見松江在詩歌創作上,雖喜以自然物象作為素材妝點,然多著重主觀情感的抒發,而非客觀物象的描繪。松江漢詩中的雲意象大致可分為隱逸、戀君、小人、仙家、別離、變幻與其他等7類。其中,又以隱逸意象所占比重最高,戀君意象居次。
Songkang Jung Chul (1536~1593) is a famous poet in Joseon times, and he is also renowned as the representative one who is good at writing gasa and shijo in the Korean literary history. His writings including《松江集》and《松江歌辭》 which were written in prose collection and 《松江別集追錄遺辭》and《文清公遺辭》which were pen comp books .The above writings are total 741 Chinese poems, 4 lengthy gasas and 85 short shijos.Songkang used the word ”cloud” for 137 times in 130 poems, which took place by 17.5 percent of his whole poems; if the words related to the ”cloud” including ”five colors,” ”fogs” and ”rosy clouds” were counted, Songkang mentioned these words 154 times in 142 poems, which would be one‐fifth part of his poems. It not only showed Songkang's love toward the ”cloud” in his works but illustrated the truth that the word ”cloud” is not just a decoration, it is an important subject matter for Songkang's creation.Therefore, this study took the image of the ”cloud” in Songkang's poems as a subject to analyze its types, characters, and also Songkang's special feelings and ways of thinking transmitted by the word ”cloud.”To sum up, besides those which appeared as a natural phenomena, Songkang noted the word ”cloud” as a special image of revealing the feelings of his own in more than 90 percent of his poems, which showed one of Songkang's distinguishing feature that he stressed the importance of expressing feelings but not just depicting. The images of the ”cloud” in Songkang's poems could be sorted out for 7 types such as ”disconnect into silence”, ”loyalty to monarch”, ”the villain”, ”the celestial being”, ”separation”, ”capriciousness” and the other images; among these images, the image of ”disconnect into silence” appeared the most often, and the second is the image of ”loyalty to monarch.” |