南北韓經過五十年的分裂與多次的語文改革,使得雙方在語文上產生相當多的差異。目前南北韓的許多用語、發音、拼寫法及一部份文法和用法都有不同,其中相異的語彙就多達五萬個。 由於北韓的語文變革較南韓為大,獨創的語彙甚多,而雙方語文最大的不同又在語彙,因此,本文僅就北韓語彙改造的對象、原則、方法及其成果加以考察分析,並以日常用語為例,比較南北韓用語的差異。其中包括同形異義、異形同義以及新修或新造的語彙。
Due to the division,lasting for 50 years,and couples of linguistic reforms,the Korean languages used in the two territories are considerably different from each other in expressions,pronunciation,spelling,and some grammar and usage,including 50,000 terms that have different meanings between the two languages. North Korea has created a larger vocabulary than South Korea of its wider reform in language of which a unique glossary comes in a significant number. Since glossary features are the very difference,this article,thus,deals with an analytical study on the objectives,principles,methods and the outcome of the glossary reform conducted in North Korea.We have applied terms of daily use as examples in the comparison of the idioms used by people of the two Korea including synonyms,heterogeneous anonymous,newly revised or newly created terms.