摘要: | 中國社會動亂研究,或說中國農民戰爭研究、中國變亂研究,目前正處舊的範式幾被拋棄,新的典範尚未產生的轉型階段。在此情況下,本文透過兩岸學者對上世紀社會動亂研究的回顧,藉由他們的話語,指出過去的社會動亂研究是評價重於研究,以及在學術風氣的變化,社會動亂研究被視為畏途的情況下,學者們認為未來在研究社會動亂時所應注意、觀察、分析的重點,並在這篇文章中,企圖將他們的理論付諸實踐。在後面幾章中,除斷代分期外,主要是採以下順序進行研究:
1. 量化分析,包括時間、地域、類型、領袖、成員,以及第四章社會動亂團體「結局」的分佈。
2. 外部環境對各時期社會動亂的影響,即從各時代的社會背景來觀察、探討各時期社會動亂爆發的因素。
3. 發展過程與作亂方式,觀察各時期的社會動亂團體是如何動員、組成、宣傳,並意圖分析這些團體成員採用何種方式使他們達到目的,以及意識形態對行動者的影響。
4. 政府的應對措施及成效,以社會控制為主軸,觀察政府為維持社會秩序,減低社會衝突能量,提高社會壓制力量所採取的諸般措施及成果。
The research of social unrest in China, which refers to peasant wars and rual upheaval, now mets a transforming situation that the old model has been abandoned and the new model hasn’t been yet established. Therefore, this dissertation reviews those work, written by Chinese and Taiwanese Scholars in the 20th century on social unrest. Through their discourse it points out that those relatine researches favor evaluating instead of analyzing and attemps to reveal what those scholars, who studied dining the changing academic tendency making the research of social unrest so difficult, through important to be paid attentions and analyzed when they did relative researches. As well it tries to realize their theories. In this dissertation, it mainly unfolds according both periodization and the following concerns.
1. Quantification analysis, including times, regions, type, leaders, members, as well as the “result” distribution of the social unrest association in the fourth chapter.
2. The influences of external environment on various society during different times. That is discussing the factors leading the social unrest in different periods.
3. The developing process and ways of the rebels. It observes the mobilzations, ogorizations and comurications of various social unrest and attempts to analyze how the members of the social unrests achieve their goals and what the ideologies offected on their activities.
4. The policies and efficiencies of governments. Focusing on the social controls, it observes the government’s policies and results to keep social orders, reduce the social conflicts, and raise the powers for suppressing societies.
Besides broadly discussion the social unrests of the North China in Jing Dynasty, this dissertation also discusses some issue like “the rebellion populace are the most in number in Emperor Shih-tsung’s reign(1161-1189)”, “Issues of land system in Jing Dynasties ”, and “Class composition of the unrest groups in late Jing(1209-1232)”, and raised my personal opioions. It also focuses in the developing process of the unrest groups and their ways for rebellion, as well as the changes of the Jing government's policy. More emphasis during various times. Comparing with the past works which prefer emphasizing on the social unrest of war period, this dissertation focuses on the social unrest during the peace time.
Despite of the limitation of historical materials, viewing angle, and the author's ability, there are still somethings needed to be strengthened portion, however this dissertation should provide some ideas for future researchers. |